Sunday, 11 September 2011

aftermath of raya

Salam to all readers,

its been a little bit more of a week since Ramadhan left us..its like an upset as well..i kinda like the idea of eating only twice a day and i like the idea of going to the surau every night for prayers its tranquil you see. anyway that has gone and now its raya time...hhhmmmm a none stop one month of jolaping as you can see food from here to kelantan..its always food food and food and i have gained 3-4 kilos damn!!!!need to get back exercising....fuh!!loteh i have to look for my weight so that i do not get blotted again. aside than that its just go back to work and life goes on while waiting for the baby.. lots of things to do yet so little time! we still haven't decide the name for him..its a him according to the doctor but for sure he will have a muhammad in the begining and syah in the end just have to figure up the middle part. as for right now i do not have the words and ideas anymore to write just hearing some buzzing sound of a loud complain nearby..and its getting worse so adios see ya next time.....

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

hari raya's coming

Salam Sejahtera to fellow readers....

Its nearly a year since the last post..well lets just say that I got this lazy to type issues..hehehe anyway I'm still here breathing..thank god everything's great!! we've moved to a new office right down to the old maths unit..and now we got cooler room..things changed quite a lot here in kmns but life still goes on..its basically the same ol' thang..

family, hhhhhmmmmm Naufal, my boy is getting bigger and better..this is the fifth month he's not using the inhaler.and the doctor said last teusday that he's doing good..kak Nabilah is in standard two..bitching about how her friends going to tuition classes..what is it with parents that send kids to tuition classes...they just what..8 years old!!! furgodsake...too young lah..anyway that is their views not mine so ...Jeeha, my ever favourite gurl..oooppppsss princess...hahahaha now she can recite lots of quranic verses..whichis excellent!!! I myself learn ayat kursi in my what ...standard five..and today is her berbuka ceremony in her eh? and the latest addition to the family...coming soon maybe somewhere in it like coming to the injury time.....and less travelling this time arround.
programs wise..we just got our berbuka with the facees at my casa de la was fun with the new guys its raya time and the preparation will start due time..whatever it is SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI....EID MUBARRAK TO ALL...

Friday, 19 November 2010

a past to remember

Salam to All....

Today I went to KGV's award giving ceremony... its.... nostalgic.. There I was... standing in the school's green... it was like yesterday....hmm... no its long enough for me no that my daughter went to the same school as her tok daddy and wan mummy then her ibu imah, mama inah, mama idah and maksu next came her father and her uncles and auntie...then her elder cousins. wow that three generations passed by. but the most important thing is taht she went up the stage to received her prize on getting 100% in pendidikan Islam...what ever it is congrates next year win sumore

Monday, 8 November 2010

its been such a long time

Salam to all....

Today it was a new semester for the college... a new begining. it was a wonderful week for me as it gave me room to breathe and now its time to work again. A lot has happened from the last post but just a quick review.. Naufal now can walk and been doin fine, zaini bought a car, spain won the world cup, we went to sabah in august, got a very hectic puasa and raye then speaking ..finals well its a hectic matter what things are getting better....and going into a proper shape for every one.
As for me this part of semester that i like most..why ...well lets just say we got to play with issues and such with the kids and then they will expand thier mind by doing some research and present to the class. well thats all for now see ya

Friday, 4 June 2010

to help or not to help

Salam Sejahtera kepada kamu pembaca,

let start with a prayer for the fallen comrade aboard mavi maramara who were killed by the israeli comandos... well the whole world got mad.. then we kutuk them well as far as memories served that the boldest thing we all do... what happen then well the same thing happened again and again and again.. so.. theres nothing we can do about it ... well thats because we as muslims are not united enough to fight them.. we had successfully destroying each other than helping each other..but that is not the main point here. as i was listening the radio the aother day the dj had used or emphasize word like being treated harshly,badly or we were shock to hear how they kick and shot the activist.... yes as malaysian we must understang that that place is a warzone there is no humanity over there... sodif you were chosen to go please equipped yoursekves

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

a give from god not to be abondoned

Salam Sejahtera to all you readers....

I am often touched when seeing or hearing about the babies that were abandoned to death by their parents on tv or the radio. its bad .... its terrible... sometimes tears were shed to watch the lifeless young ones being shown .. what? why? ... in one way it is murder you left your blood to death those babies cannot survived on their own!!!!! even tigers left their cubs when they think thier cubs are grown big enough to fend themselves but what about the babies they could even hold their milk bottle what are you ?... guys come on its like the quraish people before Prophet Muhammad came they buried their girls but now they just left them whether the baby's a boy or girl they just don't care.... and it is a trend in Malaysia... then comes the next question who is to be blamed? the answer is well its everybody... we have to change... we have to take care... how not just by taking care of the babies if they were found but taking care by advising our family.. neighbors.. friends and people around us...and its hard its like keeping tab on other people's affair but if we don't do that then this thing will not stop. and for those who were being advised by others or any of your sons and daughters that being skolah by others see don't just jump into their defend listen to what other people's opinions first then make important actions to improve the situation.. its easier said than done especially if our children are on the line but act before its too late... I'm not better that everybody but i'm sure hope i will do the right thing when the shit hits the fan... but seriously we need to change.. i can still remember when i was a teen.. i will have the creeps whenever i went to town coz over here back then everybody knew everybody and news travel ultra fast.. no need sms people will give clear and vivd imagination like mms taken with 12 mp camera.. and you will not have the chance to counter the report coz your dad won't give a damn what your reasons were... come to think of that it saved me a lot back then ... so start to change....

Monday, 31 May 2010


salam sejahtera for all the readers

its been a while since I've written anything on this here page...anyway things are okay this time around actually not that ok... i just got back from the clinic as i am having diarhea aka cir and bir it was bad last night and i got a day off.. so i'm here at my moms house with kak ros aka jeeha and her aunty. the orientation program had been a success as nearly nil comment from the other ajks and i had finally finished the manual guide for facillitators kmns to be used as soon as this pdt mppb thanks to zaini, ain, duta soya, luqman, eekkyynne and all the facis lantai yg chantek for helping me in doing the manual guide.. as new young faces came i had remembered those faces that came before how they had grew up and some had already started a family too aka deris and afiq soon to be then saufi then aina kot whatever it is i would like to thank you and congratulate you all for the effort you had given before and its fun to get to meet you guys if allah permits.. as theres a hectic life we had to endure too.. for those who are going to be in university hepi lantai yg chantek in respective universities.. those who going to be in second and third year hang in there. those who are graduating congrates and remember life is not a text book you have to get through it and those who are finding jobs..hmmm well start learning back as your life is just begun.. if you face the world with a full glass then you'll get nothing .always come with a half full glass maybe you'll catch somehthing.. i'm just saying what my senior said when i step on kmns ground for the first day... and still learning... if you thing you smarter than others then think again you may have the highest cgpa, you may have gone to a lot of places but if your attitude sucks then you'll suck forver man... so think... endeth lesson.